The Reborn Artistry Alliance (RAA) is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, excellence, and unity within the reborn artistry community. This Code of Conduct applies to all members, including artists, suppliers, and affiliates, whether they choose to participate in competitions or not. By completing the application process, members agree to abide by this Code and commit to fostering a reborn industry built on integrity and ethical practices. By accepting a position as a judge, individuals agree to adhere to this Code and contribute to the ethical and fair assessment of competition entries.

  • Integrity

    ✔ Members must conduct themselves with honesty and transparency, avoiding any activities that could harm the reputation or integrity of the reborn industry or the RAA.

    ✔ Judges must conduct themselves with honesty and fairness, ensuring unbiased evaluations based solely on the merit of the work presented.

  • Excellence

    ✔ Members are committed to achieving the highest standards in their work and business practices, continually striving for improvement and innovation.

    ✔ Judges are committed to upholding the highest standards in their assessments, providing constructive and insightful feedback that fosters artistic growth.

  • Unity

    ✔ Members support and collaborate with one another, promoting a strong, cohesive community dedicated to the ethical advancement of the reborn industry.

    ✔ Judges support the RAA’s mission to build a cohesive and ethical community, working collaboratively with other judges and participants.


1. Use of Authentic Kits and Parts

  • Members must only use, sell, or trade authentic reborn kits and doll parts. The use or endorsement of counterfeit, illegal, or unethically produced kits and parts is strictly prohibited.

2. Legal & Ethical Practices

  • Members must not engage in any sales with suppliers, groups, pages, or individuals (specifically artists or sellers) involved in the production, distribution, or sale of illegal sculpts or doll parts, as these actions constitute intellectual property theft, which is a criminal offence.
  • All business-type practices, including sales, trades, and collaborations, must be conducted with honesty, transparency, and respect for the law.

3. Community Engagement

  • Members must actively support and promote the values of the RAA, fostering a positive and respectful environment within the reborn community, while also ensuring the RAA is never brought into disrepute.
  • Constructive feedback and support should be provided to fellow members to help improve and elevate the standards of the reborn artistry.
  • There is zero tolerance for harassment or negative behaviour between members or judges.
  • We also discourage any negative behaviour from members towards other community members and groups. We also do not condone cyberbullying or harassment of any kind.

4. Commitment to Quality

  • Members are expected to continually strive for excellence in their artistry and business practices, maintaining a high standard of quality and professionalism.
  • Participation in RAA events, competitions, and other activities should reflect a commitment to these standards and the overall betterment of the community.

5. Compliance and Accountability

  • By completing the application process, members agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct and uphold the values of Unity, Excellence, and Integrity.
  • Members and affiliates may be subject to removal from the RAA should they breach this Code of Conduct. Such decisions will be made in the best interest of maintaining the integrity and reputation of the reborn artistry community.

The Reborn Artistry Alliance is committed to promoting a thriving, reputable, and ethical reborn industry. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, members contribute to a unified community that values excellence, integrity, and mutual support. We thank you for your commitment to these principles and your dedication to advancing the art and industry of reborn dolls.


1. Impartiality and Fairness

  • Judges must evaluate all entries impartially, without favouritism or prejudice. Personal relationships or affiliations with contestants must not influence the judging process.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the RAA immediately. Judges must recuse themselves from evaluating any entries where a conflict of interest exists.

2. Confidentiality

  • Judges must maintain the confidentiality of all competition entries and judging discussions. Information about the entries, judging process, or results must not be disclosed to anyone outside the judging panel until officially announced by the RAA.

3. Constructive Feedback

  • Judges are expected to provide constructive, respectful, and insightful feedback to participants. This feedback should aim to help artists improve their skills and encourage their continued growth in the reborn artistry field.
  • Scores and feedback should be consistent with the RAA’s evaluation criteria, reflecting an honest and professional assessment of the work presented.

4. Commitment to Quality

  • Judges must be knowledgeable and skilled in reborn artistry, ensuring their evaluations are informed and credible.
  • Judges should stay updated on industry standards and trends to provide relevant and current evaluations.

5. Ethical Conduct

  • Judges must conduct themselves professionally and ethically at all times. They must not engage in any behavior that could harm the integrity or reputation of the RAA or its competitors.
  • Judges must avoid any involvement with groups, individuals, or suppliers known to engage in illegal or unethical practices related to reborn artistry.

6. Handling Ties

  • In the event of a tie in scores, judges are required to make a final decision to determine the award recipients. The RAA does not allow ties for any places or awards. Judges must collaboratively discuss and evaluate the tied entries to decide on a single winner for each place or award.

7. Verification of Scores

  • All results and scores given by each judge will be checked by another judge to ensure there are no major variances in the scoring. This process helps to avoid biased scoring and tie places.
  • Any necessary changes in scores will need to be discussed with a third judge to ensure fairness and consistency in the final decision.

8. Photograph-Based Judging

  • All entries will be judged based solely on the photographs presented. Judges can only critique what they see in the photos and nothing else. If the artist has not provided adequate photos, the judge will need to critique from what they can see.

9. Compliance and Accountability

  • By accepting the role of a judge, individuals agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct and uphold the values of Integrity, Excellence, and Unity.
  • Judges may be subject to removal from their position should they breach this Code of Conduct. Such decisions will be made to protect the fairness and integrity of the RAA’s competitions.

The Reborn Artistry Alliance values the expertise and dedication of its judges in maintaining a fair and reputable competition environment. By adhering to this Code of Conduct, judges contribute to a process that honors the talents of reborn artists and supports the growth and integrity of the reborn artistry community. We thank you for your commitment to these principles and your invaluable role in the success of our competitions.

Penalties for Breaching the Code of Conduct

The Reborn Artistry Alliance (RAA) enforces a strict Code of Conduct to maintain high standards of integrity, authenticity, and professionalism. Violations, including unethical practices, harassment, or any inappropriate behaviour, will result in penalties under a three-strike rule, unless the breach is deemed severe enough to warrant immediate removal by the RAA.

1. First Violation: Warning

  • Action: Formal written warning.
  • Details: Description of the violation, guidance for corrective action, and documentation in the member or judge’s record.

2. Second Violation: Temporary Suspension

  • Action: Temporary suspension from all RAA activities and privileges.
  • Details: Notification of suspension, duration of at least 30 days, and documentation in the member or judge’s record.

3. Third Violation: Permanent Removal

  • Action: Permanent removal from the RAA.
  • Details: Notification of removal, listing as "Removed Member" or "Removed Judge" on the RAA website, and documentation in the member or judge’s record.

Breaches Include (but are not limited to):

  • Unethical or illegal practices, such as using or trading counterfeit or replica reborn dolls, kits or parts.
  • Negative active involvement with groups, platforms, or individuals/sellers who endorse or participate in illegal sales or trades of reborn doll kits or parts.
  • Failure to uphold RAA values of Unity, Excellence, and Integrity.
  • Harassment or inappropriate behaviour towards other members, judges or other community members.

All reported breaches will be investigated by the RAA, and the member or judge will be allowed to respond privately, even in cases of immediate removal. RAA decisions are final.