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  • Christy Culverhouse

Member # 093

Location: LA, United States

Member Type: Artist

Level: Entry Level

Experience: Novice

Began In Industry: 2018


I began playing with dolls when I was two years old and have loved dolls ever since “60 years“. In 2018 I was browsing eBay and saw this doll that looked so realistic and clicked on it. That was the first time I saw a true reborn doll. That’s all it took and I was hooked. After lots of research, I knew this was something I would like to do. So I began collecting supplies to be able to paint these beautiful works of art. My work kept me too busy at the time so I continued collecting supplies until I retired 2021 on my birthday. I went to my first Doll show in Utah in 2019, ROSE. at the show, I took a class and bought a baby at the show. Since I’ve become addicted to collecting and have many babies. Began painting their kits and 2022. I have been learning so many new things and having a blast doing it! It is so fun to learn new things in this Industry/Community.

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