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  • Ruth Aguilar

Member # 383

Location: Granada, Spain

Member Type: Artist/Sculptors

Level: Open

Experience: Prototype

Began In Industry: 2008


Hello! I am the artist behind Le Ruban rose Nursery. I started painting since I can remember, but two years after I graduated as an architect, I decided to develop my passion for painting. And I did it for 13 years. During this period I learned, explore and improve my style and techniques in drawing and painting, until I met Nancy Rossi-capers of Destinyis Nana Reborns. She introduced me to this wonderful and sweet world. I started to reborn dolls 16 years ago. During the first years I was slowly learning this art, but I sold some of my first reborn at the IDEX SHOW in 2009 and 2010. Then in 2011, I began to know that my skills were improving, and I decided that it was time to start on E-bay, and this decision could not have been better!. The success that Le Ruban Rose Nursery has achieved in this short time and the good feedback received from ladies that follows my precious babies auctions have given me the strength to push my skills to the next level of perfection And give each next Reborn Baby "a look beyond reality." Now I am very proud to belong to such a great community! and, I am thankful for the dedication I have made of something that started like a hobby, has become my passion and my life for this wonderful 16 years creating this amazing art!

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