- Jennifer Hubbers
Member # 207
Location: St Julians, Malta
Member Type: Artist
Experience: Intermediate/Advanced
Began In Industry: 2020
I am the artist behind the Reborn Dolls Malta Nursery, I am 63 years old, single mom of four children, I am located in Malta Europe. I paint vinyl and silicone baby dolls. Since I was a young girl art has always been my forte and my passion. I painted my first reborn doll in approx 2015, I had purchased a beautiful Silver cross couch built doll stroller from UK for my daughter Kahlen, it was so realist like the real baby strollers that I thought now she needs a real life like looking baby doll to go with the stroller. So I started searching the internet for anatomically correct dolls, life like dolls and I came across the reborn dolls, I was shocked to see that the really beautiful ones were so expensive, it was then that I though of buying all the supplies and try to create one for my daughter. I eventually managed to complete a beautiful quite life like dark skinned baby boy, to my disappointment at the last baked layer, one of the baby`s thumb melted as it was touching the oven dish. I was very upset yet still proud of myself to have achieved, being self taught to create this life like baby doll, that was it I did not continue painting dolls. Some years later I don`t remember when exactly aprox 2020 , I thought I have the oven and all the supplies why not try and paint another doll, I sure did another, then another keeping the dolls as my collection, my eldest daughter came up with the idea that I should have a face book page to show my art work, it was through my page that I started having people contacting me to sell them my doll. I eventually started having interest in the partial and full body silicone dolls too. Silicone dolls kits are very expensive already as blank kits so I was afraid to experiment on my own to paint one, in 2020 I took a comprehensive silicone online course with the amazing artist Susan Gibbs, I had completed the full body silicone doll baby Annelene by Maissa Said Art Dolls. Annelene turned out to a beautiful baby girl, my very 1st full body silicone doll I had always dreamed of having. In July 2021 there was the Rose International Doll Expo online contest, due to covid for this time it was being organized online, I send in my applications and photos of Annelene, I woke up in the morning to check the results. I found out that my Annelene placed 2nd in the silicone category. The joy, the satisfaction of achievement, I simply can not put in words ! Me a simple single mom without years of experience but actually just few hours on an online course I managed to achieve these results ! My Annelene actually also came third in the online 2021 expo doll show in Valencia. Proud Happy moments I`ll never forget as long as I live. I could have never afforded to fly out to USA and Valencia to take part in the contest, in a way good luck to me because of Covid I could take part online. :) . Now painting vinyl and silicone baby dolls became my full time job, I simply love this fascinating art, I love these baby dolls especially the silicone ones they are the closets one can have to a real baby. I am now trying to start sculpting as well when I have some free time.
Links: Facebook