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  • Kimberly Clark

Member # 149

Location: VA, United States

Member Type: Artist

Experience: Advanced

Began In Industry: 2020


Hello! I'm Kimberly, the artist behind Willow Babies Reborn Nursery. I absolutely love creating these precious works of art. I have been reborning since 2020. What started out as a "pandemic hobby" turned into a passion that continues to grow with each doll. Ultra realism is the goal with each doll I paint. I am constantly seeking new techniques to make each doll as realistic as possible. Continuing education and exploring new products are important to me. I paint with heat set paints, high quality tools, and root with premium soft Mohair. With my cosmetology background, I have an understanding of hair patterns and facial features. I believe this helps when painting delicate eyebrows, lips and rooting/cutting the hair. I sometimes color the mohair I have to create a customized color to coordinate perfectly with the doll's skin tone. Many hours and days go into reborning a doll. No corners are cut when painting and rooting a doll. My studio rests in a room full of natural light so as I am painting I know the true color of every layer I apply. The end result of the doll is a translucent natural look and the skin looks great in any lighting. I am extremely particular about my work so with that being said, no doll is complete until I feel it is up to my standards. In the year 2022 I started to venture into silicone painting. It is a medium which I am quickly starting to adore just as much as vinyl painting. This art is a true passion and I look forward to continuing it for many years to come.

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